Thursday, July 9, 2009

STS-127 launch attempt Sync Launch Event

Quote from the Mission Control Sync Launch Event Protocol (Armin AKA "Pocci" who will be Acting Launch Director for this event):

"We meet on the SSM2007 Teamspeak on Saturday, Jul 11, at 22:30 UTC. That would be:

Sat 15:30 (03:30 p.m.) PDT
Sat 17:30 (05:30 p.m.) CDT
Sat 18:30 (06:30 p.m.) EDT
Sat 22:30 (10:30 p.m.) UTC (GMT)
Sat 23:30 (11:30 p.m.) West Europe (London, ...)
Sun 00:30 (00:30 a.m.) Central Europe
Sun 08:30 (08:30 a.m.) Sydney

Remember, everybody Eastward from London, this is Sunday morning.
Everybody should have NASA-TV online via TV or secondary PC/Laptop .(If you Alt-Tab out of SSM2007 you pause the simulation!)

For those without NASA-TV there will be a voice countdown (every Minute, T-30sec, T-15sec and the last 10 sec) if necessary. An updated Excel-Countdown program is available here (from Armin AKA "Pocci"):
There will be frequent commchecks to insure that everybody is synchronized and understands how the process works.

At that time, NASA should be at T-49 minutes and counting with two holds to come: 10 minutes at T-20 and at T-9. T-49 at 22:30 UTC implies a 10 min hold at T-9 or a different launch time than 23:39 UTC. We don't know the exact planned T-9 hold, but we'll know when we meet.We suggest everybody to use STS-117 as this is a Summer launch to the ISS from the same pad and a launch time only 1 minute different from the official STS-127 launch time.Everybody should be already in sync with NASA or have the simulation paused at T-30 minutes, so we have plenty of time to sync and to discuss how to handle the two holds.To enter Teamspeak, go to one of the following pages:

and click on connect in the Teamspeak viewer area.

If you need help connecting, check:
We advise everybody to rehearse the STS-117 launch and have some saves ready at T-30:00 T-20:00 T-8:30 and T-2:00 minutes. At least the T-2 minutes save is important, because from that time on, you can just sit and enjoy the launch until MECO."