"In an effort to bringing Space Exploration closer to everybody, we have decided to DONATE up to 50 licenses of the Space Shuttle Mission Simulator to any not-for-profit, official/accredited US-based educational institution, preferably aimed at 12 y/o and up, and with a science or space-related program.
If you are an official rep of such an institution, please contact us privately on FB and we'll discuss the details. Please verify that your PC lab meets or exceeds the requirements to run the sim. If one school/lab does not need 50 licenses, we'll pass the reminder to the next in line and so on. The hardwaref/software requirements can be examined at www.space-shuttle-mission.com at the bottom of the "ABOUT" page. If this step is successful, we may look into repeating it in other countries."
We can be contacted also directly via "info at space-shuttle-mission dot com"